Monday, September 20, 2010

Darren Fletcher : Wayne Rooney will never leave Manchester United

fletcher believes rooney never leave man united, fletcher celebration

Darren Fletcher - Darren Fletcher believes Wayne Rooney will never leave Manchester United. Fletcher, Rooney’s best friend at Old Trafford, says Rooney is already a ‘big part’ of man United’s history and Rooney will never quit the club.

Wayne Rooney has endured a torrid time in the last few weeks as embarrassing reports surfaced revealing lurid details of his private life. Rooney was allegedly involved in a sex affair with a prostitute and a threesome while his wife, Coleen.

Some reports claimed that Rooney is targeted by Mourinho, who are looking to take advantage of the unsettling effects of the revelations about the England striker’s personal life in order to lure him to Real madrid.

However, Fletcher is beliveves that Rooney will be staying at Manchester United.


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